MICS CABG or Open CABG? Know the differences!
When choosing MICS CABG patients are often confused about how it differs from an open or conventional CABG. To add to the confusion, surgeons who are not fluent or educated with the procedure often scare patients with false information. This is what you must know and understand about the MICS CABG procedure.
MICS CABG or Minimally Invasive CABG is a bypass operation performed in patients with single or multiple blocked vessels. All vessels that are blocked can be bypassed similar to open surgery.
MICS CABG does not require any bone to be cut.
All blocked vessels can be bypassed
Its a beating heart operation
Its safe and time tested for over 10 years now

MICS CABG procedures performed in 12 years
How does MICS CABG differ from open bypass?
MICS CABG is a bypass operation exactly like open bypass or CABG but without cutting the chest bone or sternum.
Can all vessels be bypassed in MICS CABG?
Yes, all vessels can be bypassed in MICS CABG. This includes the right sided vessels as well. Its a common misconception spread by untrained and inexperienced surgeons that right side vessels cannot be bypassed. In fact the right sides vessels are the easiest to bypass in MICS CABG.
Is the durability of MICS CABG same as open surgery?
Yes, the durability of bypass grafts is the same as open CABG. The durability of any bypass operation open or MICS depends on the skill of the surgeon. In unskilled hands both operations can be dangerous. We have been performing MICS CABG for 12 years now and our results are excellent.
Are some patients unsuitable for MICS CABG?
Some patients with very poor cardiac function from damage due to heart attack with poor quality vessels are unsuitable for MICS CABG. Also patients who are unstable with ongoing chest pain may be unsuitable. Patients who are very obese, especially if they are short as well may be unsuitable. The decision is best taken by your surgeon. With experience and expertise many patients who are considered unsuitable may also be candidates for MICS CABG
Open or traditional CABG?
An open CABG is the oldest technique of CABG or coronary artery bypass surgery and was first described in 1970. By cutting open the breast bone or sternum the acceess to the heart is the easiest. How ever this causes major injury to the chest wall and recovery is prolonged in most patients. Major chest wall injury results in pain, blood loss, infection and other complications that are higher. Some patients requiring a complicated operations such as a valve replacement with a CABG or aneursym surgery can only be performed by the traditoinal open technique.
We Start MICS CABG Since 2012
MICS CABG in India was started in 2012 at Apollo Hospital, Bangalore by Dr Sathyaki Nambala and team. Several surgoens from all over India and other countries have visited the hospital to learn about MICS CABG. Many have started doing the procedure as well. The program at Apollo Hospital, Bengaluru is one of the largest in the world with the largest single center experience of over 2300 procedures performed so far. Each year more than 300 patients undergo the procedure with a low risk of 0.5%. Advanced instrumentation and tools are used to ensure excellent outcomes.
Sathyaki Nambala
Differences between MICS CABG and Open CABG
Traditional Bypass Surgery- Breast bone or Sternum is cut
- More blood loss
- More pain and need for pain killers
- Slow recovery upto 3 months
- Risk of bone infection or osteomyelitis
- Need for blood transfusion
- No benefit for diabetics or elderly
- Long term physocological consequences in most patients
Minimally Invasive CABG- No bone is cut
- Negligible blood loss
- Less pain usually requiring simple medication
- Fast recovery within 10 days
- No bone or wound infection
- Benefits diabetics and elderly
- Quick recovery and rapid return to normal activity has significant psychological benefits
- Cosmetic scar thats acceptable to all patients